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Penalizing achievers leads to brain drain

I applaud AIG Vice President Jake DeSantis for his decision to “Go Galt” – in other words, to stop working for a company that doesn’t come to his defense and for a government that punishes him for being a peaceful, economically productive citizen.

The part of AIG for which DeSantis worked was significantly profitable. He had no role in the company’s collapse.

The phrase “Go Galt” comes from the Ayn Rand novel “Atlas Shrugged,” in which the motor of the world – productive individuals’ minds – goes on strike. The brightest mind belongs to the novel’s main character, John Galt.

So long as the tyrants in D.C., including our empty suit of a president, continue to demonize and punish folks for their economic virtues, expect more people to choose to Go Galt.

Mark Kalinowski

New York, N.Y.

When 2 claim to be God, 1 must be wrong

“I Believe in God” is the one phrase we must hear from a man running for the top elected office of the land. If he cannot say that convincingly, then he believes he is God and that means disaster.

Recently, the British Debt Management Office failed to sell long-term bonds offered a full percent (100 basis points) above the yield of our Treasury bonds. The money market is fully international and this says our Treasury is going to have the difficult, if not impossible, task of monetizing the plans of our president and his sidekick Timothy “Sancho” Geithner.

This auction was for only $2.55 billion. President Obama is looking for nearly 400 times that amount of money. There is no way that is going to happen and if he cannot be prevented from just printing it, we are going to find ourselves in 1982 Zimbabwe or 1932 Weimer, Germany.

Given the speed with which things are coming into focus, we cannot imagine the Democrats keeping the House and Senate in 2010. The loss of the House, where the national checkbook is kept, would quench Obama’s unraveling of America with his pen.

No nation in history has ever borrowed and taxed its way out of decline. Throwing money at failed companies, unions and concepts is akin to flushing it down the toilet. It has an infinite appetite.

But, this will not dissuade a man who arrogantly thinks he can do what no man has done. That is our problem.

Adrian Vance

Lakeport, Calif.

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