Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Woman in critical after car rolls over her head

Citizen Staff Photographer



A 35-year-old South Side woman was critically injured early Thursday when a car she was trying to get in gear rolled over her head.

The woman and her sister prepared to push the car up the driveway at a family home when it rolled, striking both, a Tucson police spokesman said.

Her 30-year-old sister sustained a non-life-threatening injury to her shoulder, Sgt. Fabian Pacheco said.

Both women were taken to a hospital after neighbors heard screams about 8:40 a.m. Thursday and called 911, Pacheco said. He did not identify the injured women.

The incident happened in the 2000 block of East Wedwick Street, near South Campbell Avenue and East Drexel Road, Pacheco said.

The women were standing at the open driver’s side door, trying to get a broken automatic transmission gear shift out of park when the 1998 Mercury Mystique rolled backward over the pair.

Woman critically injured when car rolls over her head

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