Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Walkathon benefits medical center for kids

Citizen Staff Writer

Coyote Trail and Rattlesnake Ridge elementary school students have organized a walkathon to benefit the Diamond Children’s Medical Center at University Medical Center.

The 3-mile walk will take place at 8 a.m. Saturday at Coyote Trail Elementary School, 8000 N. Silverbell Road.

Those who participate will walk from Coyote Trail to Rattlesnake Ridge Elementary School, 8500 N. Continental Loop Drive.

“This is a wonderful example of children making a difference,” says Vicki Began, vice president for Women and Children’s Services at UMC. “We are grateful for their hard work and dedication to help build Diamond Children’s Medical Center.”

The Diamond Children’s Medical Center is scheduled to open in 2010.

For more information, www.diamondchildrens.org.



Kids organize walkathon to benefit Diamond Children’s Medical Center

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