Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Humane Society cutting classes

Citizen Staff Writer



Fewer tails may be wagging at the Humane Society of Southern Arizona’s Companion for Life Center starting next month.

The center, used for dog training and other animal programs, will cut back some of its classes starting May 1.

“Anything planned in April will stay the same,” said Claudia Folch, director of marketing. “We had to make some restructuring changes. Due to the economic conditions, it is no longer economically viable to go on like we did.”

She said fewer basic training classes will be offered.

Low-cost vaccinations and the popular rattlesnake avoidance classes will remain as they have in the past.

Schedules are posted on the society’s Web site at www.hssaz.org. The center is at 3465 E. Kleindale Road.

No full-time positions were lost because of the cutbacks, but some part-time trainers have been switched to a contract basis.

“We had to downsize the trainers and hire them on an as-needed basis,” Folch said.

She wanted to quash any rumors that the center was closing its doors entirely.

“I already received some e-mails this morning saying, ‘How can you do this?’ We are not shutting it down,” she said.

“It’s very unfortunate we had to go this route,” Folch said. “We have to do what we have to do to continue to offer all the services we offer.”

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