Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA hoops coaching search


• What an embarrassment!

If we want a premier coach, UA has to step it up. Two million is a lot but not enough for a notable coach; Calipari’s pay set the bar and we are not even coming close.

Kentucky’s AD said it best:

“The marketplace that we operate in, to be the premier basketball program in America, you want the best coach, you must pay a premium price. . . . If done correctly, the investment in a coach will pay for itself and yield returns for the overall program in general.”

If we can’t step up then stop the bleeding and hire Pastner!

What a joke!


• Something is wrong here when so many coaches turn this job down.

I do not care if we here think this is a great job or not. Livengood is doing something to ruin the terms of the job, money, years of contract, buy-out, something.

After this is all over, the AD has to go if we are going to progress into a solid Tier 1 overall program. It seems he is just to tight with the money.


• At first I was down on the Reggie Theus idea, but I slept on it and changed my mind. He is a proven coach and a good recruiter. He is distinguished (like Lute) and has tried the NBA. It sounds like he prefers the college system and would like to rebuild Arizona.


• Invest in the future with Pastner and let him begin a 30-year stay at Arizona.


Got a beef? E-mail: sports@tucsoncitizen.com. Call: 573-4635.

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