Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘Legalize pot, charge a duty at the border, tax it like alcohol and cigarettes, and spend the money fighting the real killers – meth, cocaine and heroin.’ pclind

Citizen Staff Writer



The story: Mexican drug cartels are having a “tremendous impact” on Tucson-area crime, Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik says. The cartels are supplying local drug rings with marijuana and fueling an increase in drug-related homicides, kidnappings and home invasions,

Your take: Both ends of the solution spectrum are well represented in comments from the Citizen’s online community. Some readers want legalization of pot; others, militarization of the border.

Some representative comments:

• “Prohibition created organized crime. Now pot is doing the same. Here’s an idea. Make pot legal. Tax it. Make money off of it rather than spend billions trying to stop it. Problem solved.” – rezguy

• “Here’s an idea – stop doing drugs, losers. Problem solved. No demand, no cartels. We just need to start at the top with Obama and work our way down. . . .” – Scotty F.

• “OK, just build the wall, make a ‘no man’s land’ out of a few dozen yards. Line it with a few mines and just leave them where they fall as a reminder to the rest of the drug pushers.” – Big 10

• “Why . . . don’t they put checkpoints on all the roadways out of Tucson to catch it?” – mustberight

• “Why don’t these morons listen to Sheriff Joe?” – tucsonchris

• “Decriminalization of drugs would be a huge blow to the ‘National Security State’ . . . and less reason to justify unreasonable police powers.” – demospolis



For Monday, April 6

1 Report: Xavier coach changes mind, will take UA job.

2 Xavier coach apparently turns down offer.

3 Sex case suspect fatally shot after pointing gun at cops.

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