Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA hires Sean Miller as hoops coach


Miller a terrific hire

• Fantastic hire! This is great. Miller is young and has a proven track record of winning. He now needs to make this his program and we need to give him the time to build it. This is a great day for UA b-ball. 186

• No West Coast recruiting or ties – takes some time to build that pipeline! Get ready for a LONG rebuilding process – if it happens at all! JESTERJV71

• A good hire but this was handled poorly by Livengood. DOGS OF WAR

• Tim Floyd was NEVER wanted by the fan base. If Miller can find a way to get us to the NCAA Tournament next year, he will be hailed as a god. ZOMBIE

• This guy can coach! And if we let him develop his own program and not insist that he be Lute, he’ll get the UA program back up and running. SONORISTA

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