Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘Democracy Now!’ host Goodman to speak here

Citizen Staff Writer

Amy Goodman, host of the popular ‘Democracy Now!’ television and radio show, will speak and sign copies of her latest book in Tucson on April 26.

Proceeds from the $10 talk and book signing will benefit the city’s cable access channel, Access Tucson and public radio station KXCI, according to a news release.

Goodman will speak at the Tucson Convention Center, 260 S. Church Ave., at 6 p.m., and will sign copies of her third book, “Standing up the the Madness – Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times,” which she co-authored with her brother, David Goodman. The book tells the stories of grass-roots activists who challenged government.

Tickets are available at KXCI, 220 S. Fourth Ave.; Access Tucson, 124 E. Broadway; and Antigone Books, 411 N. Fourth Ave., or online at www.kxci.org.



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