Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Son of ex-Cat tells Web site he’ll be a Wildcat in 2010

Citizen Staff Report

Citizen Staff Report

The University of Arizona football team has reportedly received its first oral commitment for the Class of 2010.

According to goazcats.com, Scottsdale Chaparral High School center/long snapper Chase Gorham recently accepted an offer from the Wildcats, giving assistant coach Tim Kish the commitment.

The 6-foot-2, 225-pound junior plays center at Chaparral, the Class 4A Division I runner-up the past fall. He is rated by ChrisSailerKicking.com as the No. 1 long snapper in the country for the class for 2010.

Gorham’s father, Chuck Gorham, played at UA in the 1970s.

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