Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Downtown getting Wilder

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

When Janos Wilder moved his award-winning Janos restaurant out of downtown 11 years ago, some said it was the death of downtown.

So now that Wilder is returning to downtown, does that represent a rebirth for the area? Maybe so.

Wilder is chef and owner of Janos and J Bar in the foothills at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa.

He staying there, but Wilder also is opening a new restaurant, bar and demonstration kitchen on the southwest corner of East Congress Street and Fifth Avenue. He hopes to have it open this fall.

Wilder said he is returning because “there are great things going on downtown.” We agree.

And with Wilder there, maybe others will be tempted to see what else downtown has to offer.

Our Opinion

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