Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: New UA hoops coach Sean Miller


Fans praise new Arizona coach

• I was very impressed by coach Miller’s sincere regard for the student athletes; the ones he left behind and for his new team’s athletes. His concern came across several times and you could tell it was heartfelt.

I think Livengood pulled off a major coup by getting this guy! Congrats to the UA athletic department.


• Sean Miller will be awesome! He is a winner in every respect plus graduates nearly all of his players.


Re: Chase Budinger leaving for NBA

• Chase and Jordan will both get first-round money but playing time might be tough to come by. Thanks for the memories. You guys were saviors this year. Nic, be our savior next year!


• Being self-confident is one thing, but overconfident is entirely different. There are a lot of big bodies in the NBA and strength will be huge. I am not sure that Chase or Jordan are strong enough.


• Hill has a better chance at playing time and will develop his dribbling and shot skills. For him, it’s a good move. Budinger is more iffy. Many fans have not given him credit, though, for his hustle and the things he did to help the team besides scoring.


• The real issue is how Chase plays against other draft-level guys and even some hungry midmajor talent in those NBA workouts. He could move up or down.


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