Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Colbert considers Giffords, Tucson waste of space

Citizen Staff Writer

Comedian Stephen Colbert’s campaign to have a new room of the international space station named after him took a political turn to the west this week.

Colbert went after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who is married to an astronaut – and knocked Tucson, too.

After calling Giffords “Miss Pink Sweater Set,” Colbert said she’ll have to be satisfied with representing half of Tucson – “not even the good half.”

“I’m kidding, there is no good half.”

The background:

Colbert beat out NASA’s four suggested options in its effort to have the public name the room, which Giffords pointed out will be for recycling urine.

Colbert urged viewers of his Comedy Central show, “The Colbert Report” to write in his name. And they complied, with 230,539 votes, clobbering Serenity, a NASA choice, by more than 40,000 votes.

NASA spokesman John Yembrick said NASA will give top vote-getters “the most consideration.”


To see this clip from “The Colbert Report,” go to www.tucsoncitizen.com/blog.

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