Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘Now let’s fire the City Council. That’s the kind of housecleaning we really need.’ 1435

Citizen Staff Writer

The story: Tucson government looks to be up the creek without a paddle after the City Council fired City Manager Mike Hein.

Your take: Only a bunch of idiots would fire Hein – and that describes the City Council exactly, the Citizen’s online community overwhelmingly agrees, although three council members wanted Hein to stay.

Your views:

• “Can you believe the only person who can run anything gets fired by people who can’t do ANYTHING right? Hein is lucky to escape this rathole.” – Holland

• “I’m sorry to see Mike go. He had the city of Tucson at heart for decisions he made and he never had the support from the inept council to move those decisions forward.” – 4018

• “The council once again proves what idiots they are.” – az native

• “The incompetence of the four who voted to send Mike packing will only be magnified as they try to find some recent business school graduate dumb enough to want to work for the ‘gang that can’t shoot straight.’ I hope the city has access to a good bankruptcy lawyer.” – blee 1958

And from the minority view:

• “Hein may be able to run a corporation, but he ran the city badly. Ask most any employee, or for that matter, all those who have left under his watch.” – ricerice

• “YEAH!!! Finally. I am THRILLED to see that Hein is fired! He had it coming. Now we just need to clean out the council and Mayor’s Office come election time, and this city might have a chance.” – just thefacts





For Wednesday, April 8

1City appears rudderless after council fires city manager.

2Sean Miller’s priorities: meeting players, recruiting more of them.

3Gimino column: Miller makes right move by embracing Olson’s legacy.

The big debate:

Hein’s firing

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