Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA point guard Nic Wise considering NBA


Fans say Wise needs a year of seasoning

• Guards of Nic Wise’s talents are a dime a dozen in the NBA. Ask Marcus Williams. Stick around to develop yourself a little more and help get this new program going. 2566

• Nic can only finish with his right hand. He is fast, but so is every other point guard in the NBA. Very good college player but not a NBA level pro. Nic was maybe the third best point guard in the Pac-10; do you really think he is one of the 35 best point guards in the world? I say no to that. MYHICKS

• Nic, I would say stay, that is, if coach Miller can play you 25 to 35 minutes a game and not the 38 to 40 minutes average this past season. That way, you can stay fresh, and reduce wear and tear on your knees. Who knows, your shooting percentage would probably go up too. TALEW

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