Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Woman run over, killed intentionally?

Citizen Staff Writer



Sheriff’s investigators believe a dead woman found on a Southeast Side street Wednesday night was slain.

Lottie Bea Payne, 49, was initially thought to have died in a hit-and-run crash, Deputy Dawn Barkman said Thursday.

However, Detective Lt. Michael G. O’Connor said Payne apparently
died of blunt force trauma, possible from being intentionally run over.

No motive has been established and there are no suspects, O’Connor said.

Payne reportedly lived near the 3200 block of East Behan Street,
where her body was found about 8:55 p.m. The area is near South
Craycroft Road and East Benson Highway.

Detectives believe Payne was killed shortly before her body was found.

A pickup was seen in the area about that time and O’Connor said
detectives would like to talk to the truck’s driver as a potential

The truck is described as a Ford, possibly white with a diesel engine.

O’Connor asked that anyone knowing anything about the truck and its
driver or anything else about the case call deputies at 911 or dial
88-CRIME, the county attorney’s tipster line.

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