Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Cops seek gunman in bus stop killing

Citizen Staff Writer



Tucson police are searching for a man who shot and killed an 18-year-old Tucsonan on Wednesday during a South Side argument.

Alexis Nunez was shot about 4 p.m. during a gang-related dispute with another man at a bus stop near South 12th Avenue and West Calle Alvord, Sgt. Fabian Pacheco said Thursday. The police spokesman did not elaborate on the argument.

Nunez was riding in a car with a friend when he saw a man sitting at a bus stop on the east side of 12th Avenue across from Mission Manor Park, Pacheco said.

Nunez’s friend parked at the nearby Parkview Apartments, and Nunez confronted the man at the bus stop, Pacheco said.

While they argued, a beige Jeep Grand Cherokee pulled up with a female driver and male passenger.

The man at the stop brandished a handgun and shot Nunez at least once, Pacheco said.

Wednesday, the shooter was reported to have fled in the Jeep, but in a news statement Thursday morning, Pacheco said the shooter ran away and the pair in the Jeep rode away.

Nunez’s friend got into his car and followed the Jeep, Pacheco said.

The chase ended a short time later when the Jeep crashed near South Sixth Avenue and West Irvington Road, and the driver and passenger ran away, he said. No one was injured in the collision.

The shooter is still at large, Pacheco said.

Pacheco said Nunez was taken to University Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

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