Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

GI receives probation in bribery case

Citizen Staff Writer
Law and Order Report



A U.S. Army specialist who pleaded guilty to bribery was sentenced Thursday to four years of probation and ordered to repay $3,500.

Christina M. Swenson, 40, was demoted to private and discharged from the Army under less than honorable conditions as part of the plea agreement, according to Sandy Raynor, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Swenson, who worked in the USO lounge at Tucson International Airport arranging transportation for soldiers traveling to Fort Huachuca, had solicited money on five different occasions from a local shuttle company, authorities said.

The company was already contracting with the Army to transport the soldiers to Fort Huachuca and had rights of first refusal under the contract.

As part of an investigation, the shuttle company owner paid Swenson a total of $4,500 at her home in Tucson over the course of three months.

The last payment of $1,000 was recovered when Swenson was arrested after the transaction took place Jan. 8.

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