Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Miller hires two Xavier assistants

Citizen Staff Writer



Arizona men’s basketball head coach Sean Miller, three days into the job, has already found two assistant coaches.

Miller hired former assistants James Whitford and Emanuel Richardson. Both were on his staff at Xavier.

“I’m interested in finding the best people for my staff,” said Miller, “and I believe that James and Emanuel are two outstanding coaches.

“Obviously, we’ve had a great deal of success together and I look forward to continuing that here at Arizona.”

Whitford, 37, was with Xavier the past four years.

“I am thrilled to be joining the University of Arizona men’s basketball program,” said Whitford, through UA. “The rich history and tradition is something I’m excited to be a part of. I look forward to many great years in Tucson.”

Richardson, 36, just completed his second year as a member of Miller’s staff at Xavier. His impact was immediate, as the 2007-08 Musketeers posted a school-record 30 wins and advanced to the Elite Eight.

Xavier won 27 games this past season, advancing to the Sweet 16.

Miller still needs to hire one more assistant coach. Former UA assistant Reggie Geary has been hopeful he will be added to the coaching staff. It’s not clear if that will happen.

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