Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA-ASU hoops rivalry


Coaches will make game fun to watch

I have always thought Herb was a great coach. ASU should be very thankful they got him. I am excited to see what Miller and his staff will do for the Wildcat program. I also believe this rivalry between the two schools will bring out the best in both coaches. Seems like it’s going to be even more fun to watch in the years to come.


Re: UA’s new assistant coaches

God I am glad we have three very young coaches that have worked together. I know this will be a great year for basketball for UA. Now we can get down to business with a real head coach.


Miller has to keep Geary. Without him we lose all connections to California. If (UCLA’s Ben) Howland gets every top player, Arizona will never pass them to win the Pac-10. Geary is a must.


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