Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Cops: Woman run over on purpose

Citizen Staff Writer

Citizen Staff Report


The man charged with the first-degree murder of 49-year-old Lottie Bea Payne intentionally ran her over, according to statements made by sheriff’s investigators in court documents obtained by the Tucson Citizen.

Clifford Orton Moon, a 47-year-old mechanic, is being held in the Pima County Detention center in lieu of a $1 million bond.

Payne was killed Wednesday night in the 3200 block of East Behan Street ,near South Craycroft Road and East Benson Highway.

She was arguing with Payne prior to the incident, an interim complaint filed by the Pima County Sheriff’s Department stated.

During the course of the argument, Payne walked around to the rear of the pickup truck Moon was allegedly driving at the time.

Moon revved the engine and attempted to back into Payne, the complaint states.

Payne walked to the driver’s side door and continued arguing with Moon before running from the truck.

Deputies say Moon accelerated, striking Payne and dragging her to the north shoulder of Behan before leaving the scene.

Deputy Dawn Barkman, a departmental spokeswoman, said Payne was run over multiple times.

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