Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Pet adoption specials offered this weekend

Citizen Staff Writer

If the Easter Bunny is not enough animal fun this weekend, folks can get a new dog or cat with adoption specials at both the Humane Society of Southern Arizona and Pima Animal Care Center.

Humane Society pets that are 5 years old or older cost $25 to adopt, and many pets will go to their new homes with a large basket full of pet goodies, according to a news release from the society.

The special runs 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday.

The shelter is at 3450 N. Kelvin Blvd. For more information, call 327-6088 or visit www.hssaz.org.

Pima Animal Care Center is holding adoption specials from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, according to its news release.

People can receive adoption discount coupons inside lucky eggs hidden around the premises. The center, at 4000 N. Silverbell Road, is closed Sunday. For more information, call 243-5900 or go to www.pimaanimalcare.org.



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