Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Sheriff: Divorced pair dead in murder-suicide

Citizen Staff Writer



A divorced couple who still lived together ended up dying together Thursday night in an apparent homicide-suicide, a Pima County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman said.

Ana Delia Rios, 44, and her ex-husband, Martin Rios Gonzales, 44, were found shot to death in their Southwest Side home about 10:30 p.m., Deputy Dawn Barkman said.

Deputies were called to the home, in the 7100 block of South Hildreth Avenue, southwest of West Valencia and South Mission roads, after family members heard gunshots and ran from the house to use a neighbor’s phone to call for help.

Barkman said the couple had been arguing in the bedroom before the shots were fired.

Homicide detectives believe Gonzales shot his ex-wife and then turned the gun on himself, Barkman said.

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