Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Wounded county corrections officer resigns

Citizen Staff Writer



A Pima County Jail corrections sergeant who was shot in the leg last week has resigned.

Eric Abbott, 51, voluntarily submitted his resignation Monday, said Deputy Dawn Barkman, a Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman.

Barkman said she did not know if the internal investigation into the incident had been closed in light of the resignation.

Abbott, who was employed by the county for 22 years at roughly $58,000 as of last year, was shot in the right calf April 7.

He was on duty at the time of the shooting and told investigators he felt a sharp sting in his leg. The shooter has not been found.

The Tucson Police Department closed the criminal investigation of the case without filing charges.

Corrections officer with mysterious gunshot wound resigns

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