Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Credit union to close two Tucson branches

Citizen Staff Writer

Arizona Federal Credit Union expects to close its two Tucson branches on unspecified dates, the credit union announced Tuesday.

Arizona Federal has branches at 2900 E. Broadway and 1069 E. Silverlake Road.

“When final actions and dates are determined, we will communicate directly with our members,” community relations manager Christopher Paterson said in a prepared statement.

Paterson provided no additional information and was not available for questions.

Arizona Federal, launched in 1936, is a Maricopa County-centric credit union with 23 of its 25 branches in the greater Phoenix area. The first Tucson branch was opened in 1996, according to Citizen archives.

It has $1.9 billion in assets and 235,000 member accounts, according to the credit union’s Web site.



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