Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Deputies seek man in failed kidnap attempt

Citizen Staff Report

Citizen Staff Report


Deputies are seeking a man who attempted to kidnap an 18-year-old woman on the Northwest Side last Saturday.

Deputy Dawn Barkman, a spokeswoman for the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, said in a news release that the woman called 911 about 10:30 a.m. on April 11.

She said she had been walking in the 9700 block of North Thornydale Road when a man who was driving a van offered her a ride.

The man got out of the van and grabbed her before forcing her to the ground, according to Barkman.

Barkman couldn’t say how the woman escaped from the man.

“She must have been able to fight him off at least somewhat, because in the report it doesn’t indicate what happened,” Barkman said.

The man is described as being in his 30s with a dark complexion and silver, wire-framed glasses. He is approximately 6 feet tall, is unshaven and has a mustache.

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