Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Forum on crime prevention is April 27

Citizen Staff Writer

The Arizona attorney general, a Tucson city councilwoman and three Tucson police officials will be available to answer questions at a public crime and prevention forum slated for April 27.

The meeting was organized by Councilwoman Karin Uhlich, who will be on the panel with Attorney General Terry Goddard, police chief candidates Capt. Brett Klein and Capt. David Neri, and police Capt. Vicki Reza.

The conversation is set for 6 to 7 p.m. at TPD’s West Side substation, 1310 W. Miracle Mile.

Topics to be covered will likely include methamphetamine, human smuggling, drug trafficking, identity theft, consumer scams, elder abuse and Internet safety, according to a news release.



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