Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Police to hold public viewing of recovered stolen property

Citizen Staff Writer



Tucson police will hold a public viewing of recovered stolen property in an effort to unite theft victims with property they lost.

The viewing will be Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at a police facility at 945 E. Ohio St., just south of South Park Avenue and East Ajo Way, community service Officer Kara Curtis said.

Victims must bring a copy of their police report on the stolen property case.

Most of the property was stolen in burglaries, some in larcenies from vehicles, from June 2008 through the end of last month, Curtis said.

The thefts were mostly in midtown and West Side neighborhoods, she said.

Those neighborhoods are Balboa Heights, Miracle Manor, Richland, Winterhaven, Prince Tucson, La Madera, Hedrick Acres and St. Francis Cabrini, Curtis said.

Such public viewings have been held in the past and often end with crime victims recovering some of their property.

For more information, theft victims may call Curtis at 837-7241.

Police to hold public viewing of recovered stolen property

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