Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Murder, abuse suspect dies

Citizen Staff Report
Law and Order Report

Citizen Staff Report


A man charged with first-degree murder and child abuse died of a possible drug overdose while in the Pima County Jail awaiting a court date.

Alejandro Antonio Alvarez, 22, was taken to the hospital Sunday night after jail staff reported that he had taken an unknown drug and appeared lethargic.

He died Monday morning, according to a news release issued by the Pima County Sheriff’s Department.

Investigators with the department say that Alvarez was on prescription medications and may have intentionally overdosed, but they will not make a final determination until toxicology tests as part of an autopsy are completed.

Alvarez was to sign a plea agreement on Monday in a case where he was accused of killing 5-month-old Jayher Holguin on Jan. 19, 2008.

Holguin was found dead by paramedics called to his mother’s home.

Alvarez, who was in a relationship with the mother, was supposed to be watching Holguin while his girlfriend was at work, according to the investigators with the Tucson Police Department who charged Alvarez with first-degree murder and child abuse.

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