Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

One dead, two injured in Ajo Highway collision

Citizen Staff Writer



One person was killed and two others were hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after a collision on Ajo Highway west of Kinney Road on Tuesday.

Tracy Koslowski, a spokeswoman for the Drexel Heights Fire District, said the collision occurred at about 4:30 p.m. and closed westbound Ajo Highway.

A minivan and a pickup truck were involved in the head-on collision, Koslowski said.

The driver of the minivan, a man in his 20s, was declared dead at the scene, Koslowski said.

His passenger, another man in his 20s, was taken by helicopter to University Medical Center with life-threatening injuries.

Neither man was wearing a seat belt.

The pickup truck was driven by a woman in her 50s who did wear a seat belt. Koslowski said rescuers had to use the Jaws of Life to get her out of the truck.

She was also flown to UMC with life-threatening injuries, Koslowski said.

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