Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Man, 24, found slain in North Side rental house

Citizen Staff Writer



Tucson police are saying little as they investigate the slaying of a 24-year-old man found in his North Side rental house Monday.

Austin Wood was found dead about 2:30 p.m. inside the home in the 700 block of East Joan Place, northeast of East Prince Road and North First Avenue, police spokesman Sgt. Mark Robinson said.

Wood is thought to have died at least 24 hours before his body was found, Robinson said.

A friend had gone to retrieve property he had left at Wood’s home, Robinson said. Getting no response at the door, the friend used his key to let himself into the house that Wood rented from family members.

Though Robinson said the friend immediately knew something was wrong, the sergeant refused to elaborate except to say the friend left the home and called 911.

The friend is not a suspect in Wood’s killing, Robinson said.

To protect the investigation, he would not say if the body had obvious wounds that could explain how Wood was killed, nor would he discuss a possible motive in the case.

He asked anyone knowing anything about the killing to call 911 or 88-CRIME.

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