Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Deputy: 1 killed, 1 hurt in apparent random shooting

Citizen Staff Writer



A man mortally wounded at a car wash in a Monday night shooting and another who was wounded are thought to be the victims of a random attack, a Pima County sheriff’s spokeswoman said Tuesday morning.

Francisco Antonio Calvillo, 20, was killed, Deputy Dawn Barkman said, but the wounded man’s name was not released. Both Nogales men may have been in the process of moving to Tucson, she said.

Barkman said the men were at a car wash in the 2600 block of West Valencia Road when a black Audi pulled up about 11:10 p.m. Monday.

A man wearing dark clothing, a baseball cap and a mask stepped out of the car and opened fire on Calvillo and his companion, Barkman said. After firing several rounds, the man got back in the Audi and left.

Though a motive has not been determined for the shooting, Barkman said, “at this point, it appears to be random.”

Detectives have not determined whether the gunman was the Audi’s sole occupant or whether he was accompanied.

Calvillo and his friend were taken to a hospital where Calvillo died about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday, Barkman said.

Detectives ask anyone knowing anything about the shooting to call 911 or 88-CRIME.

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