Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Woman gets 7 years in cabbie killing

Citizen Staff Writer



Jessica Rose Gallegos, who with two alleged accomplices was charged with robbing and killing a Tucson cab driver, was sentenced Tuesday to seven years in prison by Pima County Superior Judge Frank Dawley.

She will get credit for 409 days in jail while awaiting the outcome of her case.

Gallegos, 17, could have been sentenced to three to 12.5 years in prison in exchange for pleading guilty to armed robbery in the attack on Timothy R. Royce, 27, on March 5, 2008.

A charge of first-degree murder and one of aggravated robbery were dropped in exchange for her plea.

Royce was driving a Yellow Cab when he was accosted, robbed and killed, Tucson police said.

His body was found in his cab in an alley north of East Helen Street and west of North Sixth Avenue.

Royce was an Army veteran and he and his girlfriend were expecting a baby.

Ruben Estevan Archunde, 21, and Marisela Narango Pacheco, 31, are awaiting trial on first-degree murder and robbery charges.

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