Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Ph8 will use concert to say goodbye

Citizen Staff Writer



Also playing KFMA Day are long-time rockers Ph8.

The band, a frequent act on local and regional stages for the last 10 years and an opener for national acts such as Linkin Park and Disturbed, has decided to call it quits but not before giving fans one last performance.

“We thought maybe we could make it in the music business and make a living but after 10 years we couldn’t do that, so everybody is pursuing careers and doing other stuff,” says vocalist, Marcus Davis, who is now a turbine-engine mechanic. “This might be the last time people see us for a while.”

The decision to pull the plug came as the members found it increasingly difficult to dedicate time to the band and manage their day-to-day lives, Davis says.

“You get wrapped up in growing up and buying a house. You don’t have as much time and that’s kinda where we’re at right now,” he says.

Ph8 officially separated about a year ago, but it could not pass up the opportunity to play with one of the bands that has always influenced its music.

“We’ve never had a chance to play with Korn. We’re big fans of theirs, so it was a killer opportunity for us to open for somebody like that, that we’ve held in such high esteem over the years. We were like, ‘hell, yeah!’ ”

Ph8 does not expect to play any other shows, but Davis still enjoys getting together with his bandmates for jam sessions.

“We had such good times together; it’s been like a party,” Davis says. “We’ve had such a fun time; it has been a great experience. I love the guys I’m in the band with. We’re all still the best of friends.”

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