Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Computer virus bugs Tucson police

Citizen Staff Writer



City officials are cleaning up after a virus infected computers used by the Tucson Police Department earlier this week.

Ann Strine, chief information officer for the city, said the virus did not affect emergency services but the department’s connection with national crime databases was shut down to prevent the spread of the malignant program.

She said the program was first detected over the weekend.

“It really reared its head Monday morning when people came in and started doing things,” Strine said Wednesday afternoon.

Strine said that she doesn’t know how the virus got into the system but that it had been contained after it had infected about 100 computers.

Strine said most of the computers will be up and running by Thursday.

“The tail end of it will drag on, but we’ll have the great majority by tomorrow,” she said.

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