Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

UA hoops fans optimistic about Miller era


Re: UA basketball team will have buzz . . . in weaker Pac-10

• I have a lot of faith in the ability of new UA coach Sean Miller and his staff – more than I had in Lute Olson in the past few years. However, I think you are underestimating the rest of the Pac-10. A lot will depend on how many more recruits Miller lands in the next month. Right now, he needs more bodies to hold a decent practice. I look for the Cats to start slowly as the players and Miller get to know each other and finish strong at the end. Who knows if that will be enough? I prefer to keep expectations low and cut some slack. . . . I think Miller is a great hire, but it sure was torturous getting there. RJW52

• Enthusiasm is justified! The program was in total disarray after USC’s Tim Floyd rejected Jim Livengood’s offer. Now we have a skilled coach, two top 100 recruits we never thought we could get and the possibility of at least one more good recruit. BMW308428

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