Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

UA ramps up solar energy

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

Kudos to the University of Arizona for increasing its use of solar energy – and for vowing to get half its power from renewable sources within 10 years.

UA’s partnership with APS Energy Services will reduce the university’s use of fossil fuels and save the school money as well.

While APS will pay for and operate the project for UA’s benefit; Tucson Electric Power Co. will provide financial incentives for the switch to meet its mandated standards for renewable energy production.

As UA adds thermal and photovoltaic solar energy sources, it will radically increase its use of renewable energy sources from 5 percent now to 10 percent.

If more large institutions would adopt this approach to energy use, our dependence on Middle Eastern oil and our release of greenhouse gases could be radically reduced in short order.

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