Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Cop: Would-be carjacker disarmed, shot with her gun

Citizen Staff Writer



A woman was shot with her handgun by a driver she and another woman tried to carjack at an East Side drugstore Thursday, a Tucson police spokeswoman said.

The wounded woman was taken to a hospital and is expected to recover, Officer Linda Galindo said. The woman’s friend was not found.

The driver was awaiting service about 12:30 a.m. at the drive-through window of the Walgreens on East Grant Road near North Swan Road when the two women approached him.

One of them brandished a pistol and demanded his car, Galindo said.

The man struggled with her, wrested the handgun away and shot her.

The man drove from the area and called police, who found the wounded woman at the drugstore, Galindo said.

The woman has not been publicly identified as she has not been charged in the case, the officer said. The driver’s name has not been released because he is a victim.

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