Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Animal Care Center offers adoption special

Citizen Staff Writer



“Dog-gone” is the mantra for Pima Animal Care Center’s adoption special to find homes for more than 70 animals.

Now through May 2, people adopting any dog or cat more than a year old get a $25 discount, making dog adoptions $67 and $55 for cats. Other adoption specials are also going on at the center.

Animals are altered, vaccinated and microchipped before adoption. Dogs older than 3 months will also be licensed.

The center, at 4000 N. Silverbell Road, is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday.

For more information, visit the center’s Web site at www.pimaanimalcare.org or call 243-5900.

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