Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Gov. Jan Brewer must move quickly to fill this essential state position.

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

As Arizona and the rest of the nation girds for the swine flu, one of the state’s point people on the crisis is resigning.

Leesa Berens Morrison, who has served as director of the Arizona Department of Homeland Security, is stepping down. She was appointed by former governor and current U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

Morrison didn’t give a reason for her departure but said the time was right for her to leave. Actually, the timing is lamentable.

The department is responsible for preventing and responding to man-made and natural disasters – such as the swine flu.

The disease has killed about 150 people in Mexico, and more than 40 cases have been confirmed in the United States. Monday, the federal government issued a travel advisory urging Americans to avoid nonessential travel to Mexico.

Critical vacancy in Arizona gov’t

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