Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Fox has his day as Culinary Hall of Fame inductee

Citizen Staff Writer

Tucson-born restaurateur Sam Fox recently was inducted into the Arizona Culinary Hall of Fame.

Fox received the Culinary Ambassador Award given “influential industry promoters elevating tourism and hotel and restaurant properties in Arizona.” He was a semifinalist in 2008 and 2009 for the James Beard Foundation Outstanding Restaurateur Award.

Fox serves on the board of the Arizona Cancer Center. He also is a member of the Young President’s Organization and the philanthropic Thunderbirds, an Arizona nonprofit group that assists children and families in need.

Fox launched Fox Restaurant Concepts here in 1997 and moved its headquarters to Scottsdale four years later. The company employs more than 1,300 people in four states. Twenty-two of its 27 restaurants are in Arizona, with three in Colorado and one each in Texas and Kansas.

His 12th concept and 28th eatery – Modern Steak – is slated to open this fall in Scottsdale Fashion Square.


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