Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Only two Magic Carpet Golf statues left without homes

Citizen Staff Writer

A giant alligator, sizable skull, jumbo serpent and two big ghosts have found new homes in Tucson, nearly the last of the Magic Carpet Golf statues.

The only concrete statues left from artist Lee Koplin’s collection are the massive sphinx and the roulette wheel. They remain at the defunct golf course at 6125 E. Speedway Blvd.

The sphinx’s interior measures at least 200 square feet, said statue-saver Charlie Spillar, big enough to be transformed into an artist studio or office.

Spillar, an artist himself, is also the spokesman for Valley of the Moon, a 1920s-era fantasy land at 2544 E. Allen Road. Five of the statues are going to Valley of the Moon, while the rest have gone to area businesses or residences.

Anyone interested in the sphinx or roulette wheel can contact Spillar at cspillar@q.com.



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