Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Attacks follow strip club visits by men

Citizen Staff Writer



One man was shot within minutes of an unrelated beating and robbery after two groups of men were leaving a strip club Wednesday, police said.

The cases are separate and there are no arrests or suspects in either attack at the Bunny Ranch, 3650 E. Speedway Blvd., police spokesman Sgt. Fabian Pacheco said.

The first incident – the robbery – was reported at 2:34 a.m., Pacheco said.

A 19-year-old man was coming out of the strip club when he was attacked by another man, punched in the mouth and robbed of his cell phone, car keys and wallet, containing $40, Pacheco said.

Though underage, a 19-year-old is allowed in the bar as long as he doesn’t drink alcohol, the sergeant said.

Six minutes later, two groups of men leaving the Bunny Ranch got into a fight. One man pulled a gun and fired numerous shots, wounding a man in the other group.

The wounded man’s friends put him in the bed of a pickup truck and drove him to a hospital, Pacheco said, adding the injury was not life-threatening.

Pacheco did not know what the men argued about.

No descriptions of suspects were provided in either case, Pacheco said. He asked anyone knowing anything of either attack to call 911 or 88-CRIME.

Man beaten, robbed, another shot in attacks near strip club

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