Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Parents sue city after man swept away

Citizen Staff Writer



The parents of Roy J. Harris, the 28-year-old swept away in a flooded wash July 19, filed suit against Tucson seeking damages for his death.

The suit, filed by Mary and Roy Harris on April 10, says the city had a duty to maintain 15th Avenue north of Mabel Street, “at or near” the Bronx Wash “in a reasonably safe condition for drivers.”

The suit states the city should have known of the road’s tendency for flooding and that floodwaters created an unreasonably dangerous hazard to drivers.

The parents asked the court for reasonable damages.

Michael Graham, spokesman for the city Transportation Department, said he could not comment on the lawsuit. The city attorney’s office did not return a call Wednesday requesting comment.

The remains of Harris have not been found. Marana police said testing of bones found last month that could be Harris’ are not complete, but results may be released in May.

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