Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

CDO soph fires hole-in-one at Marana

Citizen Staff Writer
Grammer School



Canyon del Oro sophomore Gentry Hicks might want to play at The Pines Golf Club at Marana more often.

The 15-year-old, who won the Class 4A Sonoran Region boys golf championship in the fall, fired a hole-in-one Thursday, using a 6 iron on the 200-yard par-3 sixth hole. Hicks and his foursome played from the gold tees. The ace, his first, was witnessed by his dad, Murray, and friends Derek Metz and Tom Olla.

In November, Hicks won the Sonoran Region individual championship in a playoff against teammate Ryan Klump. Hicks posted a two-day score of 145 (75-70) at Torres Blancas for the region title. He helped CDO to a second-place finish in the region behind Catalina Foothills.

A week later, he was one of three CDO golfers with top-20 showings in the 4A-I state championship in Buckeye at the Sundance Golf Course, leading the Dorados to a fourth-place finish.

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