Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Condo arson does $250K damage; man arrested

Citizen Staff Writer

Citizen Staff Report


A man was arrested for allegedly setting a midtown home on fire early Thursday.

Tommy J. Quintier, 41, faces charges of criminal damage, second-degree burglary, unlawful means of transportation and arson of an occupied structure, a Tucson police news release said.

Firefighters went to a condominium in the 5700 block of East Glenn Street about 2:46 a.m. and extinguished the fire, but not before it caused an estimated $250,000 damage.

Capt. Trish Tracy, a spokeswoman for the Tucson Fire Department, said nobody was home when the fire started.

Police and fire investigators found that the fire was started in three spots inside the home.

Witnesses reported seeing Quintier leaving the area driving a vehicle belonging to the residents of the torched home, authorities said.

Investigators served a search warrant at Quintier’s home and found evidence connecting him to the fire, said Sgt. Fabian Pacheco, a police spokesman.

Quintier is being held at the Pima County Jail, Pacheco said.

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