Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Congratulations, new TPD chief

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

After almost a year with an acting police chief, the Tucson Police Department finally has a new leader.

Friday, City Manager Mike Letcher chose Assistant Chief Roberto VillaseƱor to be chief. The selection is subject to confirmation by the City Council, which is expected next week.

The other finalist for the position was Assistant Chief John Leavitt. Letcher couldn’t go wrong regardless of which man he picked.

Richard Miranda retired as chief in June 2008 and now is assistant city manager. He was replaced by Kermit Miller, who has been acting chief and plans to retire this month.

It appeared the search was almost over last month when the field was narrowed to four finalists – Leavitt and another TPD commander as well as two out-of-state candidates. But the results were tossed out and the search restarted with only local candidates.

Congratulations to VillaseƱor. We look forward to a lengthy tenure.

Our Opinion

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