Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Ariz. one of four states cited as bicycle friendly

Citizen Staff Writer

Arizona has earned a bronze rating as a bicycle friendly state from the League of American Bicyclists, according to a news release from a local cycling committee.

Just six states applied for the designation, which is based on factors related to the states’ commitment to improved cycling conditions, and four made the grade, the Tucson-Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee news release said.

The league rates states based on legislation, programs, places to ride and education of the public on bicycle recreation and transportation, according to the league’s Web site.

The program, which was launched last year, has four levels of recognition: platinum, gold, silver and bronze. No state earned the platinum or gold award. Only Washington and Wisconsin earned silver.

Tucson is Arizona’s only gold level bicycle-friendly community. Tempe and Scottsdale earned silver awards and Chandler, Flagstaff, Mesa and Gilbert earned bronze.



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