Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Area woman gets probation in child abuse case

Citizen Staff Writer



Melanie Gamble, who with her husband had been charged with attempted first-degree murder of her 8-month-old daughter, was sentenced to seven years of probation Tuesday on one felony charge of child abuse.

She reached a plea agreement with the Pima County attorney in exchange for testimony against her husband, Gregory Brian Gamble

During his criminal case last week, Pima County Superior Court Judge Jane Eikleberry issued a directed verdict on child abuse charges, saying she believed the baby’s stepfather “didn’t intend to murder the child.”

Melanie Gamble in June 2008 told a neighbor her husband was holding her baby by the neck and the neighbor called police.

The judge said she believed Gregory Gamble, 20, didn’t hold the baby’s head underwater in a bathtub for more than five seconds.

Melanie Gamble must comply with a state Child Protective Services case plan for her child, attend parenting classes and maintain employment. Gregory Gamble will be sentenced later this month.

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