Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Bank robbery suspect arrested after tip

Citizen Staff Writer



An anonymous tipster to 88-CRIME has led to the arrest of a man on a bank robbery charge, Tucson police said.

The robbery was at the Chase Bank branch, 6161 E. 22nd St. on Wednesday, said Officer Linda Galindo, a police spokeswoman.

Galindo said a man walked into the bank, handed a teller a note demanding money and left with an undisclosed amount.

No injuries were reported.

On Friday, Galindo said, detectives got an 88-CRIME tip on the name of a suspect in the robbery.

Police arrested Kristopher T. Huffman, 29 that day at a home in the 6500 block of East Calle Alkaid, five blocks from where Huffman told jail corrections officers he lived in the 6000 block of East Calle Alkaid.

During an initial court appearance later Friday, Huffman was ordered released without bail to the supervision of the Superior Court’s Pretrial Services program, a jail records clerk said.

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