Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Transplants Johnson, McGlone win in Cinco de Mayo 10K

Citizen Staff Writer



The more Ian Johnson is “just having fun with it” the more he wins.

The former Washington State University cross country and track star won a close battle Sunday in the annual Cinco de Mayo 10K.

The top three finished within 19 seconds of each other as the local men’s field continues to press the competitive bar.

“It’s a strong group and everybody gets along for the most part,” said Johnson, a Tucson transplant who won last March’s Arizona Distance Classic Half-Marathon. “We support each other and we all help each other.”

Johnson had to outsprint Tucson native and “good buddy” Jason Colavito to win by 10.1 seconds (32:40.3), for his fourth victory in as many local starts this year.

The last flat stretch aided his effort.

“He’s stronger than me on the hills, but I kept at it,” Johnson said. “You don’t know about running. Every time can mean something different. I felt pretty good for the most part.”

Johnson is hoping at some point to make a national and international impact.

“It’s fun. I’m just letting things happen,” he said.

Another relocated runner, better known as a triathlete., was the women’s winner. Samantha McGlone, 29, won a close (22.3 seconds) one against Paula Morrison, Tucson’s most consistent top competitor.

“We love the weather, we’ve bought a house,” said McGlone, who has moved from Canada with coach and husband, Cliff English. “We’ve trained here for several years. It’s perfect for us.”

Both McGlone (39:16.2) and Morrison (39:48.5) said they were competing in an off-training spell.

“I’ve been going only about 20-30 miles a week,” said Morrison, 35. “But I’m happy with the way I ran.”

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